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  • Troop 15 Eagle Scouts
  • Court of Honor
  • Habitat Restoration Service Projects on the Duwamish River
  • Sea Base Scuba Trip
Prepared for Life

Troop History

Troop 15 was chartered on February 11, 1926.  Since inception, hundred of boys have joined the troop and enjoyed many adventures together.  As of 2024, 150 of our Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout award.

Troop 8015 was chartered in February 2019 as a linked girls troop.  The two troops hold meetings and do most activities together.  The first inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts achieved the award in February 2021.

For our scouts and families wanting to learn more about our history, visit our online archive (password required).

Building Skills, Having Fun

Chief Seattle Scouts BSA Troop 15 (Boys) and 8015 (Girls) offer an inclusive, adventure-based program designed to support and encourage effective development of character, citizenship, outdoor skills and fitness training for boys and girls ages 11-17.

In addition to camping and hiking, Scouts and adult leaders enjoy activities such as rock-climbing and rappelling, boating, shooting, archery, skiing, outings to Scout camps and more, while accommodating the needs of our members’ busy families.

Troop 15 and 815 meet together at the Great Hall of Epiphany Parish,1805 38th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122.  Meetings are held on most Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

Pay Your Annual Dues

It’s time for registered Troop 15 members to pay annual dues.  Your dues help support all of the Troop’s activities throughout the year.  Please refer to the Payments page for more details.

New Scouts Welcome!

Interested in joining Scouts BSA? Troop 15 and 8015 welcome you to contact us for more information on how to get involved in Scouting.

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